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Are you are a person who works on computer for longer hours? This working time can become painful and even unbearable, if you do not take proper care regarding the setup of your work place. If you take care regarding the setup of perfect ergonomics, then you can even improve productivity in your work place too.

Tips for making the workplace computer ergonomics perfect:

Working on laptops: If you are using laptop in your work area, then place the laptop on the stand and start working. Many use their laps as laptop stand and work, but this develops posture problem so it is always advisable to use a laptop stand.

If you have to do much work on the laptop, then attach a small mouse and keyboard to avoid stress on your wrist and hand (too much wrist stress and you won’t be able to take those beginner online guitar lessons you’ve always wanted to). Many think that separate keyboard and mouse is not at all necessary and they carry their work on the in-built mouse and keyboard. But this proves to develop RSI (repetitive stress injuries) and stress injuries due to the wrong posture while working on the laptop [Laptop workstation].

Keyboard: If you work most of your day in typing, wrong posture while working on the keyboard can develop carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI. Follow proper typing techniques and correct your keyboard posture [Right usage of keyboard to prevent RSI].

Arrange the keyboard in such a way that the hand and thighs are in parallel and you will not hit the keyboard keys too hard. Always keep your wrist elevated while typing and see that you are not placing any extra stress on the wrist area. There are many keyboard ergonomics that help you in making this happen.

woman at computer - not ergonomic

This is NOT a perfectly ergonomic setup.


Mouse: See that the mouse is at easy reach. If the mouse is placed too far away from your desk, then you may develop strain in your hand muscles. Try some mouse ergonomics that help you in avoiding mouse posture problem. If you cannot avoid these problems, see that you get some track ball or touch pad that help you in correcting your posture to avoid unnecessary strain on your muscles [Mouse clicking alternatives].

Monitor: If you do not take care regarding the proper setup of the monitor, you can develop eyestrain which results in headaches and difficulties to concentrate on the work. Arrange the monitor properly and see that it is in proper height and distance from the eye. See that the lighting of the monitor does not disturb your eyes. Do not stare the monitor for a long time and try to blink your eyes at regular intervals or distract your eyes from the monitor at periodical intervals.

These are the most important basics to follow in your work place. By correcting the mistakes on these ergonomics, you can make your work place safer and better.

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