Repetitive Strain Injury is the kind of injury caused to the nervous system or the musculoskeletal structure that may result from a variety of forceful exertions, repetitive tasks, pressing against hard surfaces or being in still and/or awkward positions for long stretches of time.
Some of the most frequently asked questions about repetitive strain injury or RSI as it is known are attempted to be addressed here:
What types of RSI do computer users generally have?
Non specific arm pain or work related upper limb disorder, are the kinds of RSI that are generally associated with long term computer use. These could develop due to physical as well as psychological factors.
Why is RSI thought to be more prevalent since computer use has become a common phenomenon?
It is true that typing has been around for far longer than computer use, but whereas typing would also typically involve changing of paper, ribbon, filing and other secretarial tasks, all these have been rendered superfluous by computer use, which is basically sitting in one place, typing and using the mouse while staring at a lit screen. So while typists of yore had a lot of breaks in-between typing sessions, modern computer users do not.
What are the common RSI symptoms?
If one is experiencing recurrent pain in the neck, shoulder, arms or hand area in the muscles or the tendons, and if this has been seen to happen more after computer use, these could well be the symptoms of RSI.
One may also find weakness in the muscles, or a lack of stamina and even numbness in certain affected areas.
What can I do to avoid RSI?
Pay special attention to posture when working at the computer for long periods. There should also be proper support for the limbs so as to not stress them.
Use ergonomically designed workstations and place desktop computer components such as the monitor, the keyboard and the mouse at optimum distances.
Practice relaxation and stretches at regular intervals. Take periodic breaks and do not sit in the same position for long lengths of time. Instead get up and move around from time to time.
Make sure that your circulation does not suffer. Drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. Take time out for and develop an exercise routine so that your fitness levels are high, your circulation is good and there are less chances of contracting any debilitating disorders.