How Computer Use Can Cause Arm Pain And How To Reduce It?


Are you working at desk? Then you need to consider some factors for your work comfort.

Those include your posture, the way you are using the mouse and keyboard, and monitor position.

Frequent inaccurate use of a mouse when working on the computer can lead to a condition called as repetitive strain injury or mouse arm.

Arm pain includes tingling, numbness, and weakness in the lower arm and hands.

These signs are due to over-stressing of the tendons and nerves due to repetitive motion.

What cause arm pain?

Constant clicking with the computer mouse and abnormal hand position can cause damage to the tissues and in the long run which can lead to inflammation of the nerve fibers. The mouse click movements on its own can also trigger pain.

How to reduce arm pain? The following ergonomic working methods can prevent RSI:

  • Restrict the use of mouse and use keyboard commands, since there are many program functions that can be executed with keyboard commands.
  • To perform the double click action there is the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel.
  • The size of the mouse should be appropriate and is suitable for your hand.
    Use clod wrist rest. They can guard against inflammation.
  • Padded rests for the ball of the hand can also reduce the strain on your arm.
  • Some other alternate input options like voice recognition or graphic tables can reduce arm pain.
  • Regularly perform stretching exercises, natural arm and hand movements and also take frequent work breaks help keep the arm musculature relaxed.
  • Use of forearm support can reduce supper body pain and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. This is a good solution for those who use computer for more than 20 hours per week.
  • Maintain an erect posture to reduce pain in your arm.
  • Adjust the arm support and work surface height so that forearms are parallel to the floor.
  • Proper positioning of your keyboard and mouse can minimize the pain.
  • Your chair height should be arranged in a fashion so that your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • When you are sitting and working in front of the computer, don’t twist your body.
  • Keep your back at a right angle when your arm rest is at the right height.

If you follow the above steps correctly then you can work in a comfortable environment without any pain.