What is the Best Ergonomic Mouse for Trigger Finger?
What kind of Ergonomic Mouse should I buy? How do I know which one is best for me?
First, there are a few things to consider before purchasing your first Ergonomic Mouse. *How much do you use it? 2 hours a day? All day?*How big is your hand? Yes, size does matter. *Is it too heavy? Weight also matters.*Is its movement smooth? Sensor tracking eases movement. A high dpi helps smooth movement*Will you want it with a wired or unwired?*Are the buttons and wheels user-friendly?
Here are few suggestions for you:
#1 Evoluent Vertical Mouse

The Evoluent Vertical Mouse is one of our Top Picks of 2018.
This one is built “vertically”, on the side. So instead of cupping it, you are reaching out like a handshake. The mouse has six programmable buttons making it very user-friendly. It has a 2600 dpi true optical resolution infrared sensor. That means it has better accuracy than laser sensors. It also helps with tracking on more surfaces. It comes both wired and unwired and in a smaller size for your convenience.
#2 Goldtouch Mouse
If an upright mouse is not for you, there are many contoured mice. Two of which are the Goldtouch Ergonomic Mouse and the Hippus Handshoe Mouse. Both have unique designs with comfort in mind. Both have low force buttons. The Handshoe has a 1500dpi Blu-ray optical sensor, while the Goldtouch has a 1000dpi Blu-ray optical sensor. Both come in three different sizes to accommodate the size of your hand.
#3 The Hippus Handshoe Mouse
The Hippus Handshoe mouse is another “semi-vertical” mouse that tries to get the best possible balance between a standard flat mouse and a fully-vertical mouse.
The result is quite comfortable, and as it’s name suggests, it fits the hand like a sturdy shoe. “Fits like a shoe” isn’t a saying, but maybe it should be after this mouse hits the market.
#4 Foot Mouse or Slipper Mouse
This is for the extreme circumstance where you can’t use your hands at all. It’s good for those that suffer from disabilities, or are undergoing a recovery from an injury.
It’s a purely foot controlled mouse. We can just visualize Def Leppard’s Rick Allen sporting one of these babies. It has an 800dpi optical sensor located in a slipper you wear on your foot. The control buttons and wheel are located on a control panel that sits on the floor.
It works!
More Information
Firstly, you can checkout our Top List of 2017 for the Best Ergonomic Mouse. But you can also read below:
What is the best ergonomic mouse for trigger finger? You’ve used your standard mouse day in and day out. You may have given it little thought as to how a tiny little device can do so much damage to your body. You probably won’t think about it until you start having issues with your wrist. The repetitive motion and uncomfortable position your mouse put your hand in can cause problems such as:
- Repetitive Motion Syndrome – caused by repeating the same motion over and over (Trigger Finger is a type of RMS). Symptoms include tenderness, tingling, and numbness.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – caused by pressure and swelling of the carpal tunnel. The same symptoms of tingling, numbness, and weakness.
You “regular” mouse may have inherent problems. They may do things like:
- Twists your wrist: standard mice put your wrist under conditions that were not meant for your wrist. The bones in your wrist are twisted inward, putting stress on the tendons. You may not notice it at first, but respective use in his fashion will eventually cause you pain.
- Have less grip: with increased grip needed to function, stress in your wrist cause fatigued tendons which get aggravated over time. You push that mouse over your mouse pad all day. Even the weight of it causes issues with grip.
- Increase pain for existing injuries and can cause future injury: Most of the time you don’t feel you have an issue because you have no pain. Then you eventually tweak your wrist. The continued use of a standard mouse will promote additional stress and cause further injury. Don’t wait to buy your first Ergonomic Mouse until you’re injured.