How To Minimize Neck Pain At Your Desk?


The employees who are working at desk are at a higher risk of head and neck pain.

The improper head postures, such as peering at the screen and adopting a pocking chin posture can put pressure on the nerves of your neck. Hence, this results pain in your head, neck, shoulders, arm, or hands.

A continuous contraction of the neck muscles to hold your head in that position leads to a reduced flow of blood through the muscles.

The muscle contraction may also put pressure on the nerves in the upper neck, causing pain in back and sides.

Main Causes of Neck Pain:

The position of arm rests too high or too low.
Telephone headset holding tightly
The height of the monitor too high or too low
Repetitive head movements
Improper head support
Frequently looking up and down
Continuous shoulder elevation
Improper lumbar posture
Sitting at very lower height

How to overcome from neck pain?

Ensure that your office chair height is suitable to your height.
Maintain a proper head support when you are working, watching TV, or travelling.
To reduce frequent head movements, move the screen, document/folder and keyboard to proper position that reduces your head movements.
Use height adjustable arm rests to your chair. Use a foot rest.
Don’t keep your chair height too low.
Use a monitor stand to place the monitor at a suitable height. If there is less desk space then it is better to use monitor arm.
You should position the monitor at a height where the top of the monitor is at your eyes level.
If your feet are not in full contact with the floor then it is better to use the foot rest.
Ensure that your seating is adequate.
It is better to use a telephone headset. This is the most common problem at the desk. Without headset you will experience problems like arm pain, neck pain, and muscle pain.
Reduce the noise and light in your working environment at your comfortable level.
Systematize your work to include frequent breaks.
Ensure that you correctly set up at your workstation.
Regularly practice stretching exercises before going to bed and after waking up in the morning.
Sit close enough to the monitor so that you don’t have to bend forward in order to see well.

By following the above prevention steps you can easily reduce your neck pain at your workstation.